Inter-professional student-run primary CARE clinics:
A University-Health sector (Enterprise) Knowledge Triangle Cooperation Approach

Professional Study modules
Creation the base for educating and training of a new generation of medical and healthcare staff, IT, engineering and research staff for innovative health care on site and also e-health to satisfy the needs of LE and EG Healthcare sittings.
Study visits to partner and EU institutions are conducted.
The draft of the modules will be discussed and developed. ECTS grading.
The study progrmas includes:
A. Thorough knowledge of the general principles of primary care health policies, ethics, equity & legal issues,
B. Understanding of the complex Health systems (including e.health) which are unique in their operations and possesses;
C. In-depth enterprise-university knowledge triangle practical skills.
The objective of development of the new integrated professional short term (6 months) and long term (one year) inter-professional study/diploma which could be devloped to be a master program in Medicine and health sciences is to provide top-quality university multidisciplinary education, research and professional training program.
WP4 Milestone:
Professional Educational courses are revised and or developed.
The courses will also be installed in the digital education web portal.
WP4 Deliverables:
A number of Pilot professional study modules based on creative T&L approaches using workflow modelling tools
Module 4
Cardiovascular - primary care May-Juley 2024...