Inter-professional student-run primary CARE clinics:
A University-Health sector (Enterprise) Knowledge Triangle Cooperation Approach
University- Health Sector Primary Care Innovative Center (UHSPIC)
UHSPIC will functioning as as a hub of university enterprise (health sector) center and platform based on Knowledge Triangle: Education-Research-health business (KTER). The center & the platform are created to promote and encourage the interactive collaboration between academic & non-academic partners in preparation, development and commercialization of innovative primary health care practice (PHCP).
All partners including potential student led will work together on developing 2-3 a business plan including the definition of centers’ vison , mission, policy, strategy, regulations & plans.
A digital education platform will also be purchased to support the digitized learning environment & deliver e-modules to be conducted on the portal.
Integration of this platform with the other external relevant networks to achieve synergetic effects ( added values which could be achieved as a result of pooling the intellectual academic & scientific skills and the professional experience of the practical know-how of the healthcare staff at different healthcare sittings and enterprises)
WP2 Milestone:
structure and strategy of the APACI Centers and the platform are defined, requirements of the healthcare institutions are identified, the business plan of the KTER is developed and a pilot test of the KETER web platform is conducted.
WP2 Deliverables:
The UHSPICs will be established in Lebanon in Egyp, the equipment are purchased and installed and the centres are operated during the life of the project with continues improvement and Centres’ are equipped with suitable software’s, hardware’s & digital education platform used by partners universities.
A manual containing all digital teaching and training (T&L) training and teaching skills is also developed and delivered.